The creative process always arises from the combination of two elements: observation and time. Observation to see beyond the first glance, while time gives us the opportunity to change what we have seen, understanding its deepest meaning. Observing the sea, a strong, conditioning element, looking at the sea pushing the warm air against the cliffs. Observing forests and coast. After this careful wide eyes open, time helps to see beyond, to understand and recognize the memory of this land, a place of agriculture of a distant past, which returns to being the present and re-emerges in this fertile and protected place, exposed only to the boundless horizon of the sea. So, looking for something that could tell such a complex story, we imagined a rock from whose crack emerges the sea, with its deep blue, and the vine, which grows lush and gives life to a fine wine, from the extraordinary encounter between rock, earth and sea. Architectural and natural dimensions alternate, converse, coexist in an extraordinary environment and nature returns to be the main character. Time helps to see the meaning of things. Art grows up from a state of wonder, such the one when crossing the threshold of the entrance to this place.